Air can move things – think of leaves or sand blowing on a windy day. It can speed things up or slow things down (think of riding a bike with the wind behind you or against you).  When Giovanni Caboto was sailing he relied on moving air (i.e. wind) to sail. Engines drive large ships now, but people still use the wind for sailing smaller leisure craft, like sailing boats.


Dish soap diluted with water




Using bubbly water, grab a straw, dip it in.

Blow through straw:

  1. Gently
  2. Hard 

Record what happens on either occasion.

Repeat the same instructions: once you have blown your bubble, fan it and see what direction it flows in.


Paper (8.5×11)



Marker, paint, ribbons, or decorations


  1. Take the 8.5×11 paper and fold it in half.
  2. Then fold the two corners of the folded edge inwards toward the middle.
  3. Now fold the bottom loose rectangular ends. Boat should look like a hat.
  4. Fold the bottom corners inward, flip to the other side and do the same.
  5. Open up the boat into the hat shape and fold it over into a square.  
  6. Fold the bottom flaps upwards and form another triangle.
  7. Take the triangle shift it and make it into a square. 
  8. Take the top corners and pull them down to reveal the paper boat. 
  9. Duct tape the bottom so it can float.
  10. Go over to the basin and test it.
  11. Using your breath or wind from a fan try to move your boat.